Pork leg is the meat separated from the carcass approximately 2 cm from the projecting part of the rump bone. The tail or parts of the tail are removed.

Bone-in and Skin-on.
Asta | Canada |
Net Weight:
Conestoga | Canada |
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Olymel | Canada |
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Orviande |
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Olymel | Canada |
Net Weight:
Orviande | Canada |
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Smithfield Farmland | USA |
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5 to 6 lbs. Fresh Ham Leg
Curing ingredients:
2 cups coarse sea salt
2 cups brown sugar
2 ½ tablespoons Prague powder #1 curing salt
8 pieces dried bay leaves
2 quarts hot water
4 quarts cold water
2 cups ice cubes
Glaze ingredients:
1 cup brown sugar
¼ cup honey
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
10 tablespoons pineapple juice
Combine the following curing ingredients in a large deep container: sea salt, brown sugar, Prague powder, and dried bay leaves. Pour hot water. Stir.
Add cold water and ice. Soak the fresh pork ham into the brine for 3 days. Make sure to keep it in a cool place such as inside the refrigerator.
After 3 days, wash the cured ham with running water. Discard the brine and then fill the container with clean tap water. Soak the ham for 3 hours to reduce the saltiness.
Preheat oven to 320F.
Arrange the ham in a roasting rack. Cover with aluminum foil. Roast for 2 hours.
Remove the foil and increase the oven heat to 400F. Continue to roast for 1 hour.
Prepare the Brown Sugar Honey Glaze by coming all the glaze ingredients in a sauce pan. Heat the pan and stir the mixture until well blended. Continue to cook in low to medium heat until the mixture reduces to half.
Remove ham from the oven. Brush Brown Sugar Honey Glaze all over it. Continue to roast for 10 minutes or until the ham turns brown. Remove from the oven. Let it cool down. Carve the ham. Serve.